

商业领袖, 个人, 以及专业十大正规彩票平台, 十大彩票平台官网帮助你驾驭生活的不确定性, 从意外中恢复过来, 实现你的目标.



十大彩票平台官网成立于1848年 by a small group of hard-working farmers who believed in the promise of the future 和 the power of the individual. Originally called Ohio Farmers Insurance 公司, we became known as Westfield in 1971. While our name may have changed, we remain true to our founders’ vision.

Our unique approach to insurance services allows us to deliver value beyond the policy. 我们不仅以长寿和稳定而闻名, but also our distinct blend of technology 和 human connection, 卓越的理赔经验, 和 insights that help 客户 和 clients underst和 和 manage risks. 

Westfield has grown from a grassroots insurance company in Ohio to a leading U.S.总部位于美国的财产和意外伤害十大正规彩票平台公司. 我们在10个州提供个人十大正规彩票平台, 21个州的商业十大正规彩票平台, 和 保证产品 在50个州通过庞大的网络 独立十大正规彩票平台代理人西田集团专业 目前在美国提供六种商业十大正规彩票平台.S.美国有9家.K.五个在迪拜.





我们所做的不仅仅是提供 房屋及汽车十大正规彩票平台商业十大正规彩票平台. 十大彩票平台官网始终以人为本, 和 we maintain an enduring commitment to helping 客户 manage risk 和 navigate recovery. 照顾别人是十大彩票平台官网的工作. And our company mission, vision, 和 values reflect this commitment.


To enable our 客户’ peace of mind 和 financial stability.

  • 知识 – We will dedicate ourselves to pursuing knowledge 和 sharing what we know.
  • 完整性 – We will act with consistent character 和 st和 accountable as honest, fair, 和 ethical.
  • 信任 ——我们要言出必行.
  • 尊重 – We will nurture relationships with mutual respect 和 shared values.
  • 管理 – We will protect the assets entrusted to us 和 enhance them for future generations. 








From homes to automobiles to livelihoods, our 客户 have a lot to protect. They rely on Westfield for the level of service that comes from working with an insurance carrier that truly cares. 看看我们的顾客是怎么评价他们的 索赔 在这些十大彩票平台官网十大正规彩票平台审查的经验. 

我无法想象在其他地方获得十大正规彩票平台需求. I’ve been a customer for 10 years 和 they’ve been there promptly 和 efficiently when needed. 礼貌,专业,真正的价值. 


I’ve been with numerous Insurance companies over my 46 years in business, 十大彩票平台官网位居榜首. 




Group of people doing a brainstorming activity with post its on wall.


As a company that has been on a DEI journey for over a decade, Westfield has taken strategic steps to ensure our commitment is felt across all our operations. Our team has collaborated to form an entire ecosystem to help ensure that DEI guides our interactions not only with one another, 还有我们的代理商和经纪人, 客户, 供应商, 和社区. 虽然我们为目前的工作感到自豪, we continue to learn 和 look for ways to strengthen our commitment to DEI.



有着近三个世纪的历史, we feel a deep responsibility to help move our community forward. From fostering an inclusive culture to investing in our community to minimizing our environmental impact, we are helping people today 和 future generations achieve peace of mind.



这不仅仅是找工作的问题. 这是关于找到你的归属. 在十大彩票平台官网, 我们致力于培养多元化的, 公平的, 包容的工作环境, 每个声音都能听到的地方, 有价值的, 和尊重. 我们的公司文化植根于建立一个社区, 改变世界, 和彼此一起成长. From traditional insurance jobs like underwriting 和 索赔, 到IT中的角色, 市场营销, 和好客, 十大彩票平台官网的机会是无限的.

Jen Palmieri和Ed Largent坐在一起聊天.


The members of the Westfield leadership team 和 董事会 come from a variety of backgrounds 和 offer decades of experience across multiple industries. Both groups are highly dedicated to growing our business 和 finding new 和 better ways to protect what matters most to our 客户.


Since 1934, Westfield has been rated “A” (Excellent) or higher for financial strength by 是最好的, a rating organization that focuses on the insurance industry. This is an independent view of an insurer’s financial strength 和 ability to meet its ongoing insurance policies 和 contract obligations. We’re not only an A-rated insurance company — we’ve also received many honors 和 accolades, 包括:



让我们一起面对日常的挑战. 在十大彩票平台官网, we are committed to underst和ing your business 和 providing your family with peace of mind. 今天就联系座席开始.